NCJW Event

12:00 pm


REPRO SHABBAT: Defending Reproductive Freedom: Where We Are and Preparing for What’s Ahead


Please join us for an important discussion on the current state of abortion rights in Ohio and across the county.  Kellie Copeland, Executive Director of Abortion Forward (formerly Pro-Choice Ohio) will discuss the battles being fought right now – both in our state and at the national level – and what’s at stake for reproductive freedom in the months and years ahead.

This event will be virtual and is part of a larger nationwide Repro Shabbat organized by NCJW nationals celebrating the critical importance of reproductive freedom.  Come learn, connect, and take action to defend abortion rights.


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© 2023 National Council of Jewish Women 
26055 Emery Road, Suite L, Warrensville Hts., OH 44128  •  (216) 378-2204