Thanks to our generous supporters, we’ve been doing important and impactful work  for 130 years.  Thank you! But sometimes our donors believe they’ve made an Annual Fund gift to  our local section, and they  are surprised to find out their gift went to the national office, and we may or may not receive any of the funds.

Frustrating, isn’t it?

Our Cleveland section cannot control the solicitations you receive from the national office. But we can share a few tips on how you can tell the difference. If you want to be sure to support our local work, read on:

  • If you get a solicitation in the mail, check the return address. If the return  address is in Washington, D.C, that’s a request from the national office. If you respond to that solicitation, you can indicate what percentage of the gift you want to go to Cleveland. But if you don’t, it will all go to support the work  of the national  office,
  • Solicitation from the Cleveland office will always have a return  address of Warrensville Heights. If you respond to a solicitation sent from that address, your gift will come to us, and support the work of the Cleveland Section.
  • What about email? An email return address that says simply NCJW or a person’s name followed by NCJW is an email from the national office. Again, if you make a gift in response to  that email, your gift will go to the national office.
  • An email from the Cleveland Section will always indicate it is from Our local section never refers to  itself as NCJW; we always refer to ourselves as NCJW Cleveland or NCJWCLE.
  • We hope these tips will help you make sure you know where your gift is going. Our section fully supports the work and efforts of the national office. And a portion of all membership dues goes to help fund that work.

But if you want to be sure your Annual Fund gift is going to support the work we do  locally, check the return address on any solicitation. It will tell you who is asking!

If you have any questions, please feel free to  reach out to Allison Levine, Annual Fund chair, at or Char Rapoport Nance, vice president of Fund Development, Thank you!





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© 2023 National Council of Jewish Women 
26055 Emery Road, Suite L, Warrensville Hts., OH 44128  •  (216) 378-2204